Václav Havel's Life    
 JANUARY    1977  
6 records
The International Freedom Prize for Charter 77 awarded by the International Freedom Conference
Place: Oslo / Norway
1977 - někdy po podepsání Charty 77
Zahýkal sýc (And the Owl Howled)
1977 - nedatováno
Havel, Václav > Vladislav, Jan
1977 - nedatováno
Havel, Václav > Kohout, Pavel
6. ledna 1977
Publication of Charter 77, the manifesto of a movement demanding the observance of human rights in Czechoslovakia. The Charter unites several hundred activists of diverse ideological backgrounds - democrats, Christians, reform Communists and the underground. VH co-authors the text and becomes one of the Charter's three first spokespersons. He is arrested and held in custody from January to May. In October he receives a suspended sentence for “harming state interests abroad“. Another spokesman, philosopher Jan Patočka (born 1907), who Havel is very close to, dies from exhaustion following police interrogations.
Havel, Václav > Škvorecký, Josef