Book Catalogue    
 Kancelář Václava Havla  
45 records
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Textos críticos del socialismo y la revolución

  • Document's type: Book / Anthology
  • Author: Carlos Franqui (Editor)
  • Publisher: Derechos Reservados
  • Date of origin: 2003
  • Record's ID: 35130

Parlamenty a jejich funkce v 21. století. Sborník příspěvků k 10. výročí ustavení Senátu Parlamentu ČR

  • Document's type: Book / Anthology
  • Author: Jan Kysela (Editor)
  • Publisher: Praha : Eurolex Bohemia
  • Date of origin: 2006
  • Record's ID: 35158

Remembering Arthur Miller

  • Document's type: Book / Anthology
  • Author: Christopher Bigsby (Editor)
  • Publisher: Londýn : Methuen
  • Date of origin: 2005
  • Record's ID: 35134

Létáme spolu jen do války

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author of foreword) / Běla Gran Jensen (Editor) / Jan Procházka (Editor)
  • Publisher: Praha : Ministerstvo obrany České republiky
  • Date of origin: 2005
  • Record's ID: 35135

Šumava: Alfred Kubin, Josef Váchal

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Hana Klínková (Author) / Marie Rakušanová (Author) / Ivana Jonáková (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Arbor vitae
  • Date of origin: 2009
  • Record's ID: 35170

Alois Mitter. Člověk = Mensch = man

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Ingeborg Habereder (Author) / Alois Mitter (Author) / Hana Jirmusová (Author) / Alena Bláhová (Translation)
  • Publisher: Český Krumlov : Egon Schiele Art Centrum
  • Date of origin: 2010
  • Record's ID: 35162

Fanger i eget land = Prisoners in our own country

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Marte Graff Jenssen (Editor) / Rune Eraker (Photographer) / Camila Buzzi (Editor)
  • Publisher: Oslo : Unipax
  • Date of origin: 2006
  • Record's ID: 35152

Bob Dylan. Lyrics = Texty: 1962-2001

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Bob Dylan (Author) / Jiří Černý (Author of foreword) / Michal Bystrov (Translation) / Gita Zbavitelová (Translation) / Michal Plzák (Editor)
  • Publisher: Praha : Kalich
  • Date of origin: 2005
  • Record's ID: 35154

Pouta. Celovečerní hraný film

  • Document's type: Drama / Script
  • Author: Ondřej Štindl (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Bionaut films
  • Date of origin: 22. 6. 2006
  • Record's ID: 35153

Dialogue: Los Angeles / Prague

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Barbara Benish (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Art Dialogue
  • Date of origin: 2004
  • Record's ID: 35173
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