Book Catalogue    
172 records
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Litteraria Pragensia. Studies in literature & culture. Irish Theatre & Central Europe 2015/50, roč. 25

  • Document's type: Periodical
  • Author: James Little (Author) / Ondřej Pilný (Editor)
  • Publisher: Praha : Ústav anglofonních literatur a kultur FFUK
  • Date of origin: 2015
  • Record's ID: 49371

Něžný samet. 26 let Sametové revoluce. Katalog filmů a TV programů

  • Document's type: Catalogue / Book
  • Author: Ladislav Snopko (Author) / Michael Žantovský (Author of foreword)
  • Publisher: Palác Lucerna
  • Date of origin: 2015
  • Record's ID: 49302
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