3 records


  • Document's type: Biography / Book
  • Author: Michael Žantovský (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Argo
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 39727

Egon Bondy: básnické spisy I. 1947-1963

  • Document's type: Book / Poetry
  • Author: Egon Bondy (Author) / Martin Machovec (Editor)
  • Publisher: Praha : Argo
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 44072

Vladimíra Čerepková: beatnická femme fatale

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Alice Horáčková (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Argo
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 44034