4 records

Kurier 1985/?, str. 10: Schlechte Aussicht am Guckloch

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Author: Kurt Kahl (Author)
  • Date of origin: 15. 4. 1985
  • Record's ID: 16129

Süddeutsche Zeitung 1981/?, str. ?: Menschen im Berghotel

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Author: Otto F. Beer (Author)
  • Date of origin: 26. 5. 1981
  • Record's ID: 3080

Acceptance speech written on occasion of The Award Of The Erasmus Prize 1986

  • Document's type: Essay / Speech
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: podzim 1986
  • Record's ID: 19430

Die Welt 1981/120, str. 19: Der große Bruder wacht im Berghotel

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Author: Erik Graf Wickenburg (Author)
  • Date of origin: 25. 5. 1981
  • Record's ID: 3330