6461 records
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Divadelní revue 2011/3, roč. 22 2012/?

  • Document's type: Periodical
  • Date of origin: 2011
  • Record's ID: 17410

Odpovědnost odpovědných

  • Document's type: Brochure / Essay
  • Author: Michael Žantovský (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2015
  • Record's ID: 47990

Trois petits-déjeuners avec François Mitterrand = Tří snídaně s François Mitterrandem

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Karel Srp (Editor) / Aude Brunel (Translation)
  • Date of origin: 1998
  • Record's ID: 5128

Soudobé dějiny 2009/1, roč. 16, str. 169: Milan Hauner: Mnichovské trauma ve francouzské fikci

  • Document's type: Review
  • Author: Milan Hauner (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2009
  • Record's ID: 54462

Václav Havels Reden. Aspekte einer holistischen Rhetorik

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Martin Bermeiser (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2017
  • Record's ID: 48635

„Perpetuum mobile“ aneb „Pan A" (7 dní ve vězení): analýza pantomimy

  • Document's type: Analysis
  • Author: Jean-Philippe Bayeul (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2006
  • Record's ID: 39644

Solidarność i upadek komunizmu / Solidarity and the fall of Communism

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Violetta Kmiecik (Editor) / Maja Kuźniar (Editor) / Patrycja Medowska (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 2009
  • Record's ID: 12463

Nikdy jsem se nenudil

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: František Janouch (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2020
  • Record's ID: 59776

Alice Garrigue Masaryk. 1879-1966

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Ruth Crawford Mitchell (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1980
  • Record's ID: 12486

Largo desolato

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Job Abasq (Translation)
  • Date of origin: 1993
  • Record's ID: 8662
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