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235 records
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Kresby Václava Havla

  • Document's type: Drawing
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 40. léta
  • Record's ID: 51549

Kresby Václava Havla

  • Document's type: Drawing
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 40. léta
  • Record's ID: 51476

Kondiciogram Květy Havlové

  • Document's type: Miscellaneous texts
  • Date of origin: 1.1.1976
  • Record's ID: 51802

Dohoda o pracovní činnosti

  • Document's type: Contract
  • Date of origin: 60. léta
  • Record's ID: 51838

Pololetní výkaz Boženy Vavrečkové na gymnáziu ve Vídni

  • Document's type: School certificate
  • Date of origin: 11.2.1928
  • Record's ID: 51782

Havel, Ivan M. + Havlová, Květa > Havel, Václav M. + Havel, Václav

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Telegram
  • Author: Ivan M. Havel (Author) / Květa Havlová (Author)
  • Date of origin: 12.12.1970
  • Record's ID: 51847

Vavrečka, Ivan > Havel, Václav M.

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Telegram
  • Author: Ivan Vavrečka (Author)
  • Date of origin: 14.12.1970
  • Record's ID: 51848

Průkaz studenta na univerzitě ve Vídni

  • Document's type: Document/Certificate/Proof of... / Photograph
  • Date of origin: nedat., 1931
  • Record's ID: 51764

Index Boženy Vavrečkové na Filozofické fakultě UK

  • Document's type: Document/Certificate/Proof of... / Photograph
  • Date of origin: nedat., 1932
  • Record's ID: 51765

Havel, Ivan M. > Havel, Václav M.

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Ivan M. Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 9.3.1947
  • Record's ID: 51844
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