51160 records

N&n galéria. 2001 02 14 - 2003 06 22

  • Document's type: Book
  • Date of origin: 2003
  • Record's ID: 50341

Netherlands / Drunen: Olga Havlová with children History Land

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: květen 1995
  • Record's ID: 34750

Czechoslovakia / Prague / Lucerna Palace

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Date of origin: 1. 8. 1907
  • Record's ID: 18342

La Repubblica 1989/?, str. 14: l'Italia protesta contra di condanna di Havel

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Date of origin: únor 1989
  • Record's ID: 11808

Vliv dramatické tvorby Václava Havla na disent (1963-1989). Bakalářská práce

  • Document's type: E-Book / Schoolwork
  • Author: Tereza Špačková (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 58887

Jacob, Francis > London, Artur

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Francis Jacob (Author)
  • Record's ID: 10624

CSSR / Ostrava / Heřmanice prison: Václav Havel beginning his sentence

  • Document's type: Photograph / Material of prison service
  • Date of origin: 1980
  • Record's ID: 18039

Czech Republic / Hrádeček: Members of the Theatre on the Rounds (Divadlo Na tahu) company

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: červenec 1993
  • Record's ID: 13156

Havel, Václav > Fraser, William Kerr

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 19. 7. 1995
  • Record's ID: 56660