19 records
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Versuchung. Akademietheater / Vídeň

  • Document's type: Programme / Invitation card / Drama
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 17931

Audience. Lorient / Théâtre Itinérant

  • Document's type: Drama / Programme
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 16145

New York / New York Shakespeare Festival Public Theatre. Largo Desolato

  • Document's type: Programme
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 16139

Publiekstheater Seizoen 86/87. Informatie

  • Document's type: Brochure / Programme
  • Date of origin: nedat., [1986]
  • Record's ID: 61578

Audientie - Protest. Amsterdam / Populier - Balie produktie

  • Document's type: Programme
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: nedat., [1986]
  • Record's ID: 61580

Audiëntie. Amsterdam / Populier - Balie produktie

  • Document's type: Programme
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 61582

Versuchung. Vídeň / Burgtheater

  • Document's type: Programme
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 61592

Versuchung. Vídeň / Akademietheater

  • Document's type: Programme
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 61861

Praemium Erasmianum MCMLXXXVI

  • Document's type: Brochure / Programme
  • Author: Václav Havel (Co-author)
  • Date of origin: 1986
  • Record's ID: 16055

Rowohlt Theater Verlag Information: Václav Havel – Largo desolato

  • Document's type: Programme / Review
  • Date of origin: únor 1986
  • Record's ID: 17962
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