13 records
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Czechoslovakia / Prague / apartment on Engels Embankment: Václav Havel - 50th birthday - Josef Topol, Daniela Fischerová, Karel Steigerwald

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 5. 10. 1986
  • Record's ID: 17067

Austria / Vienna / Burgteater: Temptation

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Hans Kleber (Director)
  • Date of origin: 23. 5. 1986
  • Record's ID: 33581

CSSR / Prague /The Engelsovo nábřeží flat: Václav Havel - fiftieth birthday

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 5. 10. 1986
  • Record's ID: 17071
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