 Note    Tibetan  
166 records
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Václav Havel

  • Document's type: Photograph / Note
  • Record's ID: 49161

Úvodní poznámka ke korespondenci Havel / Janouch

  • Document's type: Note
  • Author: František Janouch (Author)
  • Date of origin: 11. 10. 1992, dopsáno leden 1997
  • Record's ID: 6176

Dear Klaus, without you…

  • Document's type: Photograph / Note
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Klaus Juncker (Author)
  • Date of origin: nedat., říjen 1997
  • Record's ID: 49236

Vzkaz Vladimíru Hanzelovi

  • Document's type: Note / Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: nedat., [24. 6. 2000]
  • Record's ID: 9353

Vzkaz Ladislavu Špačkovi

  • Document's type: Note / Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: nedat., [po 1.4.1999]
  • Record's ID: 9525

Klub přátel Národní technické knihovny

  • Document's type: Statute-Rule book / Note
  • Date of origin: 26. 1. 1976
  • Record's ID: 18228


  • Document's type: Note
  • Date of origin: druhá polovina 60. let
  • Record's ID: 48036

Vzkaz Ladislavu Špačkovi

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Note
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 18. 5. 1995
  • Record's ID: 9345

Gesprächnotiz. Anruf Václav Havel

  • Document's type: Note / Telephone call
  • Author: Malte Hartmann (Author)
  • Date of origin: 12. 1. 1989
  • Record's ID: 22162

Druh dřeva

  • Document's type: Note
  • Date of origin: nedat.
  • Record's ID: 48115
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