8 records

Návštěva Kanady, Ottawa 18. - 19. 2. 1990

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 18. 2. - 19. 2. 1990
  • Record's ID: 58079

Programme of the offical visit of Her Excellency the Rt Hon Margret Thatcher, FRS, MP prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Mr Denis Thatcher, MBE

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 16. 9. - 18. 9. 1990
  • Record's ID: 57743

State visit of His Excellency Mr. Václav Havel President of the Czechoslovak Federative Republic

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 25. 4. - 27. 4. 1990
  • Record's ID: 57730

Visit to Canada of His Excellency Václav Havel, president of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic and Mrs. Havel

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 18. 2. - 19. 2. 1990
  • Record's ID: 57725

Návštěva Izraele 25. 4. - 27. 4. 1990

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 25. 4. - 27. 4. 1990
  • Record's ID: 58085

Návštěva Spojených států 19. - 22. 2. 1990

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 20. 2. - 21. 2. 1990
  • Record's ID: 58080

Visit of His Excellency Mr Václav Havel, President of Czechoslovakia / Návštěva prezidenta republiky Václava Havla ve Velké Británii ve dnech 21. - 23. 3. 1990

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 21. - 23. 3. 1990
  • Record's ID: 58084