827 records
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Dinner Honoring His Excellency Vaclav Havel, President of the Czech Republic, and Mrs. Havlova

  • Document's type: Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 17. září 2002
  • Record's ID: 62675

Program pracovní návštěvy ve Spojených státech, část s komentářem

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 7. května 1997
  • Record's ID: 62676

Meeting in Honor of His Excellency Vaclav Havel, President of Czech Republic

  • Document's type: Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 18. září 2002
  • Record's ID: 62674

Cesta do Brna ve dnech 21. a 22. 10. 1992, program

  • Document's type: Itinerary
  • Author: Lubomír Schmidtmajer (Author)
  • Date of origin: 15.10.1992
  • Record's ID: 53532

Setkání s novináři v Lánech 10. 7. 1991

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 10. července 1991
  • Record's ID: 58195

Programma della visita ufficiale di S. E. il Presidente della República Italiana ON. Francesco Cossiga nella Repubblica Federativa Ceca e Slovacca

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 4. 7. - 6. 7. 1991
  • Record's ID: 57771

Programme of the official visit of His Excellency the Rt Hon John Major, MP Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Mrs Major to the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic 26. - 28. 5. 1992

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Author: Kancelář prezidenta republiky (Author)
  • Date of origin: 26. - 28. května 1992
  • Record's ID: 57830

Programme of the State Visit of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Namibia Dr. Sam Nujoma and Mrs. Theopoldine Kovambo Nujoma to the Czech Republic

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 8. - 11. září 1999
  • Record's ID: 61551

Návštěva prezidenta Francouzské republiky Françoise Mitteranda v Praze

  • Document's type: Supporting documentation of the President´s office / Itinerary
  • Date of origin: 9. 12. 1993
  • Record's ID: 57939
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