9 records

1 2002/?, str. 1.4: Nebol som bojovník proti Mečiarovi. Druhá časť rozhovoru s českým prezidentom Václavom Havlom o tom, ako sa pred 10 rokmi delila federácia

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Petr Šabata (Editor) / Nora Slišková (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 18.3.2002
  • Record's ID: 44185

Havel: I want to be free

  • Document's type: Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 31.1.2003
  • Record's ID: 44140

The Straits Times 1998/?: Clash of civilisations? There´s no need for a conflict. President Vaclav Havel, who has battled illness and won, talks about world trends and Singapore

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Frank Cibulka (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 3.10.1998
  • Record's ID: 44093

1 2002/?, str. 1.4: Neviem presne, prečo ku mne Slováci stratili dôveru

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Petr Šabata (Author) / Nora Slišková (Author)
  • Date of origin: 16.3.2002
  • Record's ID: 44183

Globus 2000/482: Václav Havel: Podcenili smo u Češkoj pravni aspekt tranzicije: to je omogućilo čitavom nizu prepredenjaka da se obogate!

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Mirko Galić (Editor) / Marko Grčić (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 3.3.2000
  • Record's ID: 44208

Hospodárske noviny 2002/?, str. 25.27: Český prezident v exkluzívnom rozhovore pre Hospodárske noviny

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Andrej Ďuríček (Editor) / Tomáš Klvaňa (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 22.2.2002
  • Record's ID: 44128

The Washington Times 2002/?, str. 1.3: President Havel looks for alliance of shared values

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 28.1.2002
  • Record's ID: 44130

France Catolique 1994/2449, str. 4,5,6: La France Catolique č. 2449, 29. 4. 1994: Un entretien exclusif. Vaclav Havel

  • Document's type: Interview
  • Author: Luc de Goustine (Author) / Martin Hybler (Translation)
  • Date of origin: poskytnuto 12. dubna, uveřejněno 29. dubna 1994
  • Record's ID: 44118

Europartenaires 2003/21, str. 2.3: Refaire le monde en commençant par l'Europe

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 21.1.2003
  • Record's ID: 44168