 FEBRUARY    1989  
107 records
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Rheinischer Merkur 1989/?, str. ?: Planung im Elfenbeinturm

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Author: Sabine Sütterlin (Author)
  • Date of origin: 29. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 4427

Frankfurter Rundschau 1989/?, str. ?: Tief pessimistisch

  • Document's type: Press cutting / Review
  • Author: Claudia Herstatt (Author)
  • Date of origin: 26. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 19829

Havel, Václav > Poszgai, Imre + Mazowiecki, Tadeusz

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 8. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 10940

Havel, Václav > Poszgai, Imre + Mazowiecki, Tadeusz

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 8. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 10941

Smlouva: Rowohlt Verlag - Uitgeverij De Prom / Václav Havel - Dopisy Olze

  • Document's type: Contract
  • Date of origin: 28.9.1989
  • Record's ID: 48928

Basler Zeitung 1989/237, str. 49: Zürich zum zweiten: Václav Havels Opportunisten-Drama „Sanierung“

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Date of origin: 28. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 19788

Rovohlt Revue 1989/9, str. 12: Ein höflicher Rebell

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Author: Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz (Author)
  • Date of origin: září 1989
  • Record's ID: 19807

Berliner Morgenpost 1989/?, str. ?: Maximilian Schell vertritt Havel

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Date of origin: 28. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 19742

Smlouva: Rowohlt Verlag - Uitgeverij De Prom / Václav Havel - Dopisy Olze

  • Document's type: Contract
  • Date of origin: 28.9.1989
  • Record's ID: 48995

Koelner Stadt-Anzeiger 1989/, str. ?: Macht der Ohnmacht

  • Document's type: Press cutting
  • Author: Rainer Hartmann (Author)
  • Date of origin: 29. 9. 1989
  • Record's ID: 19776
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