8 records

Projev v Bílém domě

  • Document's type: Speech
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 26. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5757

Pokyny Hradu (ad návrat z Portugalska)

  • Document's type: Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Ivo Mathé (Author)
  • Date of origin: 15. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5648

Pokyny Hradu

  • Document's type: Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5683

Pokyny Hradu

  • Document's type: Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 6. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5682

Pokyny Hradu (Blesku, už tě asi plesknu / Pane M., dočkáte se)

  • Document's type: Instructions to the Castle / Correspondence / Article
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5715

Pokyny Hradu

  • Document's type: Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 31. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5681

Pokyny Hradu

  • Document's type: Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5686

Havel, Václav > Mathé, Ivo

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Instructions to the Castle
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 18. 8. 2002
  • Record's ID: 5776