19 records
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Blahopřejný telegram prezidenta republiky Václava Havla handicapovaným sportovcům

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 31.7.2002
  • Record's ID: 39028

Blahopřejný telegram prezidenta republiky Václava Havla do Vietnamu

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 26.7.2002
  • Record's ID: 39027

Blahopřejný telegram prezidenta republiky Václava Havla novému indickému prezidentovi

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 18.7.2002
  • Record's ID: 39026

Blahopřejný telegram prezidenta republiky Václava Havla do Spojených států amerických

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1.7.2002
  • Record's ID: 38962

Havel, Václav > Wiesel, Elie

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 11. 7. 2002
  • Record's ID: 15594

Havel, Václav > Belo, Carlos Felipe Ximenes

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 11. 7. 2002
  • Record's ID: 15593

Havel, Václav > Juncker, Klaus

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Message of Congratulations
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 15. 7. 2002
  • Record's ID: 21111

Havel, Václav > Patočka, Jakub

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 10. 7. 2002
  • Record's ID: 15130

Havel, Václav > Kyi, Daw Aung San Suu

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 11. 7. 2002
  • Record's ID: 15591

Trinkewitz, Karel > Havel, Václav

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Press cutting
  • Author: Karel Trinkewitz (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2. 7. 2002
  • Record's ID: 4819
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