10 records

Czech Republic / Maříž / Isabela Fárová's house: Václav Havel with friends

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 31194

Czech Republic / Lány: Olga Havlová

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 34672

Czech Republic / Prague / Golden Tiger Pub: Bohumil Hrabal, Václav Havel, and Bill Clinton

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Jiří Jírů (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 18439

Czech Republic / Prague / Prague Castle: Václav Havel

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Henri Cartier-Bresson (Author)
  • Date of origin: 15. 1. 1994
  • Record's ID: 18425

Czech Republic / Hrádeček: Olga Havlová

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 34733

Czech Republic / Lány: Olga Havlová in a greenhouse

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 34675

Czech Republic / Hrádeček: Olga Havlová and Václav Havel

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 34700

Czech Republic / Prague / Prague Castle: Henri Cartier-Bresson photographing Václav Havel

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Martine Franck (Author)
  • Date of origin: 15. 1. 1994
  • Record's ID: 31192

Czech Republic / Maříž / Isabela Fárová's house: Václav Havel with friends

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 31193

Italy / Vatican: Václav Havel with Pope John Paul II.

  • Document's type: Photograph
  • Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 1994
  • Record's ID: 34763