18 records
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Arrizabalaga, Rosa > Sparr, Marianne

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Rosa Arrizabalaga (Author)
  • Date of origin: 17. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21094

Schindler, Karin > Sparr, Marianne

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Karin Schindler (Author)
  • Date of origin: 7. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21067

Shapiro, David > Havel, Václav

  • Document's type: Correspondence / Poetry
  • Author: David Shapiro (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1991
  • Record's ID: 6855

Lewis, Ziv > Sparr, Marianne

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Ziv Lewis (Author)
  • Date of origin: 14. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21031

Freimanová, Anna (Kancelář prezidenta republiky) > Carey, Phillis

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Anna Freimanová (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1991 - 1991-1993
  • Record's ID: 17433

Mensching, Maike > Arrizabalaga, Rosa

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Maike Mensching (Author)
  • Date of origin: 18. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21093

Mensching, Maike > Barsotti, Paulo Douglas

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Maike Mensching (Author)
  • Date of origin: 21. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21070

Brocher, Corinna > Hsin-fa, Wu

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Corinna Brocher (Author)
  • Date of origin: 31. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21387

Tuominen, Merja > Freimanová, Anna

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Merja Tuominen (Author)
  • Date of origin: 10.1.1991
  • Record's ID: 38223

Yaňez, Julio F. > Sparr, Marianne

  • Document's type: Correspondence
  • Author: Julio F. Yaňez (Author)
  • Date of origin: 3. 1. 1991
  • Record's ID: 21062
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