690 records
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Discours du president de la République federative tchèque et slovaque à l´assemblée parlementaire du conseil de l´Europe

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1990
  • Record's ID: 6992

Dvě kariéry Jana Třísky. Praha - Hollywood

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Miloš Smetana (Author) / Václav Havel (Author of foreword)
  • Date of origin: 1995
  • Record's ID: 59179

Zvláštní případy

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Zdeněk Urbánek (Author) / Václav Havel (Author of foreword)
  • Date of origin: 1993
  • Record's ID: 59177

1989 as a Political World Event. Democracy, Europe and the new international system in the age of globalization

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author of foreword) / Jacques Rupnik (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 2013
  • Record's ID: 33884

Architekti SIAL

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author of foreword) / Rostislav Švácha (Author of afterword) / Miroslav Masák (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 2008
  • Record's ID: 65174

Literatur, Werte und Europäische Identität. Brücke zu einem vereinten Europa

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author of foreword) / Birgit Lermen (Editor) / Milan Tvrdík (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 2003
  • Record's ID: 26

Osvobození od strachu

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Aun Schan Su Ťij (Author) / Václav Havel (Author of foreword) / Desmond Tutu (Author of foreword) / Bohumil Pánek (Translation) / Pavla Sadílková (Translation) / Jana Spurná (Translation)
  • Date of origin: 1997
  • Record's ID: 65447

Audience. Protest. Vernisáž

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2018
  • Record's ID: 65470

První globální revoluce. Svět na prahu nového tisíciletí

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Alexander King (Author) / Bertrand Schneider (Author) / Václav Havel (Author of foreword)
  • Date of origin: 1991
  • Record's ID: 65461

U Zavěšenýho kafe. Rozhovor s JakubemKrejčím a Helenou Hrábkovou vedl Johan Hak U Zavěšenýho kafe v roce 2019

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Johan Hak (Author) / Helena Hrábková (Author) / Jakub Krejčí (Author) / Václav Havel (Author of foreword)
  • Date of origin: 2023
  • Record's ID: 65474
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