5 records

Let let

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Bohumila Grögerová (Author) / Josef Hiršal (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1988
  • Record's ID: 4902

Let let IV.

  • Document's type: Book / Samizdat
  • Author: Bohumila Grögerová (Author) / Josef Hiršal (Author)
  • Record's ID: 7275

Experimentální poezie

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Bohumila Grögerová (Editor) / Josef Hiršal (Editor)
  • Date of origin: 1967
  • Record's ID: 64560

Let let

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Bohumila Grögerová (Author) / Josef Hiršal (Author)
  • Date of origin: 2007
  • Record's ID: 281

Experimentální poezie. Výbor

  • Document's type: Book / Samizdat
  • Author: Bohumila Grögerová (Editor) / Josef Hiršal (Editor)
  • Date of origin: nedat., [1990]
  • Record's ID: 58426