4 records

Tisková konference prezidenta republiky Václava Havla a prezidenta USA Billa Clintona 16. 9. 1998

  • Document's type: Press conference
  • Author: Bill Clinton (President) / Václav Havel (President)
  • Date of origin: 16. září 1998
  • Record's ID: 63949

Tisková konference prezidenta České republiky Václava Havla a prezidenta USA Billa Clintona 11. 1. 1994

  • Document's type: Press conference
  • Author: Bill Clinton (President) / Václav Havel (President)
  • Date of origin: 11. ledna 1994
  • Record's ID: 63620

Interview with President Václav Havel and American President Bill Clinton for ABC TV

  • Document's type: Interview
  • Author: Bill Clinton (Author) / Václav Havel (Author)
  • Date of origin: poskytnuto i odvysíláno 11. ledna 1994
  • Record's ID: 37378

Program for President Clinton's and President Havel's press conference

  • Document's type: Press conference
  • Author: Bill Clinton (President) / Václav Havel (President)
  • Date of origin: 16. září 1998
  • Record's ID: 9574