Texts about Václav Havel    
 Periodical    Periodical    English  
8 records

Telegraph Magazine, March 9, 1991, p. 20-28: For the Love of Prague 1991/?

  • Document's type: Periodical / Press cutting
  • Author: William Shawcross (Author)
  • Date of origin: 9. března 1991
  • Record's ID: 60196

The Correspondent Magazine, 3 December 1989, p. 10-14: The People´s Liberation of Prague 1989/?

  • Document's type: Periodical / Press cutting
  • Author: Ian Walker (Author) / Ian Berry (Photographer)
  • Date of origin: 3. prosince 1989
  • Record's ID: 60197

U. S. News, February 26, 1990, p. 30-38: The Man Who Conquered Communism : 1990/?

  • Document's type: Periodical / Press cutting
  • Author: Richard Z. Chesnoff (Author)
  • Date of origin: 26. února 1990
  • Record's ID: 60199

Time, December 4, 1989, p. 10-14: Our Time Has Gone 1989/?

  • Document's type: Periodical / Press cutting
  • Author: David Aikman (Author) / Kenneth w. Banta (Author)
  • Date of origin: 4. prosince 1989
  • Record's ID: 60198

Newsweek No 18, April 30, 1990, p. 10-15: Saint Vaclav 1990/?

  • Document's type: Periodical / Press cutting
  • Author: Michael Meyer (Author)
  • Date of origin: 30. dubna 1990
  • Record's ID: 60195

The Bohemian State of Mind – January 2012 2012/?

  • Document's type: Periodical
  • Author: Zuzana Hahn (Author of afterword) / Vladimír Ruml (Author of foreword)
  • Date of origin: 2012
  • Record's ID: 16066

World literature today 1981/Summer 1981/?

  • Document's type: Periodical
  • Author: Marketa Goetz-Stankiewicz (Author)
  • Date of origin: 1. 9. 1981
  • Record's ID: 22879

Občanské fórum na Divokém západě = Civic Forum West 1990/? 1990/?

  • Document's type: Periodical
  • Author: Jiřina Fuchsová (Author)
  • Date of origin: nedat., 1990
  • Record's ID: 21651