- Document's type: Photograph / Foreword - Afterword
- Author: Michal Krejčík (Author) / Miroslav Masák (Author) / Jiří Suchomel (Author)
- Date of origin: 2009-2010
- Record's ID: 60052
Czechoslovakia: 10 years of the Palette of the Nation - 4th Rally "Monte Vlasti"
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 1972
- Record's ID: 31022
Czechoslovakia: The "Palette of the Nation" artists' organization presenting the Palette of the Nation to Václav Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 1989
- Record's ID: 31029
Temptation. Prague / National Theatre
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Charles Marowitz (Director) / Hana Smejkalová (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 13. 5. 2004
- Record's ID: 13071
Czechoslovakia / Prague / Prague Castle: Celebrating the birthday of chancellor Karel Jan Schwarzenberg
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Tomki Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1991
- Record's ID: 17825
CSFR / Prague / Prague Castle: The Abdication
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Tomki Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 17. 7. 1992
- Record's ID: 17866
Portrait of Václav Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Karel Cudlín (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 2000
- Record's ID: 30973
Czech Republic / Prague / Prague Castle: welcoming El Hassan Bin Talal and Shimon Peres
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Karel Cudlín (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 14. 10. 2001
- Record's ID: 10464
Portrait of Václav Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Karel Cudlín (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 2001
- Record's ID: 10512
Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia / Prague: Václav Havel, Ivan Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 1941
- Record's ID: 39511
Czechoslovakia / Prague / Prague Castle: A Czechoslovak Press Office photographer taking official portraits of the head of state
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Tomki Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 18. 5. 1992
- Record's ID: 17857
Czechoslovakia / Prague - Rašín Embankment: Václav Havel after being released from prison in 1989
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Dagmar Havlová-Ilkovičová (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 17. 5. 1989
- Record's ID: 39530
Czechoslovakia / Prague / Apartment on Rašín Embankment: Václav M. Havel's birthday celebration - Anna Fárová, Ivan Havel and Isabela Fárová
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 1975
- Record's ID: 31190
Pestrý týden, 1928/č.29, roč. 3, s. 3: Přátelé Miloše Havla: Čeněk Junek a Eliška Junková
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., [druhá polovina 20. let 20. století]
- Record's ID: 55207
Czechoslovakia / Havlov: Václav M. Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 40. léta 20. století
- Record's ID: 18379
Československo /Praha / hospoda Horní Počernice: Václav M. Havel a Jan Grossman před představením Žebrácké opery
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1. 11. 1975
- Record's ID: 54063
Protektorát Čechy a Morava / Havlov: Václav Havel s bratem Ivanem a kamarádem
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 40. léta 20. století
- Record's ID: 51902
Presidential election 1989
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Dagmar Hochová-Reinhardtová (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 26. 1. 1993
- Record's ID: 2992
Václav M. Josef Jan Evangelista Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Jindřich Krink (Author) / J. F. Langhans (Author)
- Date of origin: nedat., [po 12. 9. 1897]
- Record's ID: 18355
Czechoslovakia / Prague / Lucerna: Lucernafilm studio
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., [20. léta 20. století]
- Record's ID: 18326
Václav Havel - Olga Havlová
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Dagmar Hochová-Reinhardtová (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1967
- Record's ID: 31210
Neubert, Ladislav > Havel, Václav
- Document's type: Correspondence / Message of Congratulations / Photograph
- Author: Ladislav Neubert (Author)
- Date of origin: 26. 9. 2006
- Record's ID: 13534