- Document's type: Photograph / Foreword - Afterword
- Author: Michal Krejčík (Author) / Miroslav Masák (Author) / Jiří Suchomel (Author)
- Date of origin: 2009-2010
- Record's ID: 60052
USSR / Moscow / Andrei Sakharov's grave: Václav Havel's visit
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Vitaly Armand (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 27. 2. 1990
- Record's ID: 31316
Czech Republic / Prague / Mánes Exhibition Hall: Joska Skalník Exhibit
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 3. 10. 1996
- Record's ID: 31184
Collage 3
- Document's type: Photograph / Collage
- Date of origin: nedat., 50. léta 20. století
- Record's ID: 47785
Olga Havlová, Princess Diana, and Věra Čáslavská
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: květen 1991
- Record's ID: 34740
Czechoslovakia / Prague - Lucerna: Dagmar Havlová, Václav Havel, Ivan Havel
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 3.11.2011
- Record's ID: 39544
Czechoslovakia / Prague: Kešot in the apartment on the embankment
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Dagmar Havlová-Ilkovičová (Photographer)
- Date of origin: nedat., konec 80. let 20. století
- Record's ID: 30409
Czech Republic / Carlsbad: Largo desolato
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Andrej Krob (Director) / Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 30. 11. 2002
- Record's ID: 33734
Czech Republic / Carlsbad: Largo desolato
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Andrej Krob (Director) / Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 30. 11. 2002
- Record's ID: 33732
Václav Havel a Mejla Hlavsa
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1995
- Record's ID: 34730
Miloš Havel sitting at a window in his villa
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Karel Ludwig (Author)
- Date of origin: nedat., 40. léta 20. století
- Record's ID: 33529
Czech Republic / Lány : film crew
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Karel Cudlín (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 2002
- Record's ID: 10423
CIS / Moscow / Kremlin: Meeting between Václav Havel and Boris Yeltsin
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Dima Tanin (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1. dubna 1992
- Record's ID: 6781
Czech Republic / Prague: Exhibit opening
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 1996
- Record's ID: 31341
Czech Republic / Prague: Exhibit opening
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 1996
- Record's ID: 31343
Czech Republic / Prague: Exhibit opening
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: 1996
- Record's ID: 31344
CSR / České Budějovice: Václav Havel in September Nights - a play by Pavel Kohout
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 1959
- Record's ID: 54974
Czech Republic / Lány: Olga Havlová in a greenhouse
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Ondřej Němec (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1994
- Record's ID: 34675
Slovakia: Václav Havel with friends
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Karel Cudlín (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 1999
- Record's ID: 10526
CSR / České Budějovice: Václav Havel in September Nights - a play by Pavel Kohout
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 1959
- Record's ID: 39509
CSR / České Budějovice: Václav Havel in September Nights - a play by Pavel Kohout
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 1959
- Record's ID: 54976
Czechoslovakia / Prague: Olga Havlová putting a samizdat together
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Jan Kašpar (Photographer)
- Date of origin: nedat., počátek 80. let 20. století
- Record's ID: 26515
Západ 1986/1, roč. VIII, str. 10: Žebrácká opera. Beograd/Atelje 212
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: únor 1986
- Record's ID: 50625
Václav Havel wearing glasses (1970s)
- Document's type: Photograph
- Date of origin: nedat., 70. léta 20. století
- Record's ID: 12178
Czech Republic / Carlsbad: Largo desolato
- Document's type: Photograph
- Author: Andrej Krob (Director) / Bohdan Holomíček (Photographer)
- Date of origin: 30. 11. 2002
- Record's ID: 33743