Letters 1944
Vavrečková, Josefa > Havlová, Božena
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Author: Josefa Vavrečková (Author)
- Date of origin: 10.12.1944
- Record's ID: 52620
?, ? > Havlová, Božena
- Document's type: Correspondence / Photograph
- Date of origin: 21.06.1944
- Record's ID: 52641
?, Slávka > Havlová, Božena + Havel, Václav M.
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Date of origin: 21.11.1944
- Record's ID: 52644
Havel, Václav > Havel, Václav M.
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Author: Václav M. Havel (Author)
- Date of origin: 15.06.1944
- Record's ID: 53069
Novoroční přání zaměstnanců firmy Bratři Havlové
- Document's type: Correspondence / PF / Drawing
- Author: Ivan M. Havel (Author) / Václav M. Havel (Author)
- Date of origin: 29.12.1944
- Record's ID: 53137
Vavrečková, Josefa > Havlová, Božena
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Author: Josefa Vavrečková (Author)
- Date of origin: 25.11.1944
- Record's ID: 52629
Svatební oznámení Františka Schwarzenberga
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Date of origin: 23.05.1944
- Record's ID: 52659
?, Eda > Havel, Václav M.
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Date of origin: 09.08.1944
- Record's ID: 52571
Havel, Václav + Havel, Ivan M. + Jelínková, Marie ˃ Junková, Eliška
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Date of origin: 20. 12. 1944
- Record's ID: 52650
Havel, Václav + Havel, Ivan > Žáková, Štěpánka
- Document's type: Correspondence
- Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Ivan M. Havel (Author)
- Date of origin: 14.07.1944
- Record's ID: 53392