Book Catalogue    
 JANUARY    2014    English  
27 records
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Zvát, či nezvat?. Lidská práva 25 let poté = Invite or not to Invite?. Human Rights 25 Years After

  • Document's type: Brochure
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Martin Palouš (Author) / Gerald Turner (Translation)
  • Publisher: Praha : Knihovna Václava Havla
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 39607

1989. Year of freedom

  • Document's type: Brochure / Book
  • Author: Łukasz Kamiński (Author) / Anna Piekarska (Editor)
  • Publisher: Varšava : Instytut Pamięci Narodowej,
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 39423

Three Faces of an Angel

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Jiří Pehe (Author) / Gerald Turner (Translation)
  • Publisher: Londýn : Jantar Publishing
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 39695

Modern Africa: politics, history and society 2014/1, roč. 2

  • Document's type: Periodical
  • Publisher: Hradec Králové : University of Hradec Králové, Philosophical Faculty
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 47516

An uncanny era. Conversations between Václav Havel and Adam Michnik

  • Document's type: Book / Interview
  • Author: Václav Havel (Author) / Adam Michnik (Author) / Elzbieta Matynia (Author of foreword) / Elzbieta Matynia (Editor) / Elzbieta Matynia (Translation)
  • Publisher: New Haven : Yale University Press
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 39755

Czech Journal of Contemporary History 2015/3, roč. 3 2015/?, str. 229-242: Havel’s Anti-Politics à la Different Modes. On Suk’s Book on Václav Havel

  • Document's type: Article / Review
  • Author: Milan Znoj (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Ústav pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 63261

Chtíč po svobodě - první roky po sametové revoluci = Lust for Freedom - The First Years after the Velvet Revolution

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Pavel Hroch (Author) / Jáchym Topol (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : KANT
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 55820

Ivan Kyncl. Rebellion mit der Kamera = Rebel s kamerou = Rebellion with a Camera

  • Document's type: Catalogue / Book
  • Author: Heidrun Hamersky (Editor) / Ulrike Huhn (Editor) / Susanne Schattenberg (Editor) / Ivan Kyncl (Photographer)
  • Publisher: Kerber
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 48608

North Korean Political Prison Camps Drawn by Defectors

  • Document's type: Brochure
  • Publisher: Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 39640

Photomix 1964-2014

  • Document's type: Book
  • Author: Jiří Jírů (Author)
  • Publisher: Praha : Jiří Jírů
  • Date of origin: 2014
  • Record's ID: 55850
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